Fertilizer regulations put the onus on farmers

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For the third week in a row I am baffled by the shear lack of wisdom and leadership at GFO. (Canadian grain commission sample rates, post cards for bees, and fertilizer regulations)

There has always been a needed level of trust when it comes to fertilizer salesmanship. That said how many samples were taken by CFIA in the past?

The other disturbing statement from this article says the ingredients will be printed on the label. One should not assume this would apply to bulk fertilizer blends but it would be hard to rationalize an analyasis that would only apply to bagged vs bulk.

Does this new abscon of duty by CFIA negate the super-visional guarantee of weights and measures act too?

I might enjoy finding a weights and measure variance to use as the motivation fore CFIA to do their job guaranteeing there is no diversion of waste into a paying fertilizer disposal plan with no liability.

You don't have to be out in the media blowing your horn to be working on things . Don't forget that many times reporters are looking for the negative when doing a story . Even Better Farming !!

It is glaringly clear that the admin of the site has a different set of rules for different organizations by allowing the previous un signed post .

I am guessing you either do not have an opinion, or do not have the authority of the board to sign your name.

I do not find that BF put a negative spin on the story. This is news, and not good news. This motion is somewhat contrary to the safeguards of safe food and environmental safety continually dumping liability questionably out of the control of the farmer, in his lap for the general good of a consuming society.

The poster posted in first person singular, meaning this is his opinion. He has a right to his thoughts. We are just not sure what your thoughts are, as those of your own, or the position of a board, unsigned.

Negative no more

Not a board member . Just a farmer .
Good to keep you guessing ! Today I may have one thought , tomorrow it could be different , But if I change my mind I will give my reason if I feel the need . And NO I am not with the Government .

I'll " assume " that you had at some time been told you was negative .
Glad to see it is no more OR is it any more .

I have always been a long time supporter of the Co-op, when i was in high school i worked for the Co-op and i knew the Co-op, had no advantage of cheating the farmers, no one single individual benefited from that so it would be pointless. I am sure the vast majority of companies are honest but it only takes one bad apple or one greedy fertilizer plant to screw one farmer and that would be one farmer to much for my liking. I will continue to be a supporter of the Co-op both Hensall and Huron Bay because i know they have my best interest as a farmer in mind.

Sean McGivern

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