Flurry of comments stalls mega quarry progress

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Group opposing the aggregate quarry that would excavate more than eight square kilometres list water, blasting and traffic as major concerns


The farming community in Melancthon does not have years and years and years. Stop it now. People-make this an election issue.

They are proposing to pump 600 million liters of Southern Ontario's water a day to run through irrigation ditches at the bottom of a 200 ft pit, let it sit for three days in holding wells and THEN pump it back into the surface water. This would poison Southern Ontario's water. Also, the prime agricultural land that this quarry is proposing to destroy supplies vegetables for thousands. Is this the best long-term use of this area? I'm not anti-aggregate. I get it. We need concrete. But not like this, not at the cost of our water and farm land.

I agree that this really is THE overriding issue. In fact, once they have command of this much Ontario water, what sort of power does that hand over? The quarry should never have approval. Thank you to everyone who cares and takes time to make a difference.

Jan - Toronto

People need rocks for roads why don,t they take it from where the roads are being built. The goverments want to save money look at the price to truck it doesn,t matter by rail or truck. Large pits destroys the ground water and every thing else lives around the area. How dangerous will the roads become with all the extra traffic from those big trucks or how much will it cost to up keep them.
The people that lives around the purposed area has every right to be mad.

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