Grape growers get $12 million

© AgMedia Inc.

Ontario’s grape growers will have money for a number of viticulture improvements


Twenty years ago I bought a bottle of ransid wine from Ontario. The store wouldn't take it back. I tried another one and it was ransid as well. A month later I found out there was a large problem with bad wine from Ontario that year. But what kills me is they keep selling this horrible stuff. I've never bought a bottle from Ontario since this and never will, the industry deserves to die. Just let it go.

Don't you think things might have improved in the last twemty years?
Give it another try!

Why spend money on the wine growers alot of them already has tons of money. Spend it on the grapes growers , had purple grapes last year at Jacobs market and they were the best grapes we ever had .
Send the wineos to AA and put the grapes into the stores in all of Ontario so we all could have some of those great grapes . There is no place I could find in Eastern Ontario where we can find them.

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