Grocery stores caught in price squeeze

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Time for the chicken farmers to allot more quota charge some more but still cheaper than red meat

They prefer stability as opposed to going up and down.

Excatly what bankers are looking for also!

Surprisingly Dairy and eggs have declined year over year . I guess that is the reason we have no SM bashing on this story .

What is it about fierce competition among grocery store chains, and the price-reducing effect of that competition, do the lesser-intelligent souls who support supply management not understand?

In addition, why can't supply managed farmers recognize the difficulty retailers are in, and reduce their own prices accordingly?

Furthermore, why can't supply managed farmers recoginze that the only break consumers are getting on dairy and poultry products comes, not from greedy dary and poultry farmers, but from fierce competition at the retail level?


Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

I just was wondering where the bashers were on this story and thought I would post a response to see if I could spaark you up again .
Guess it worked !
But would you please stop painting every one other than your anti cronies as SM supporters . Some times those of us who are not SM supporters get sick of your immature comments that paint every one as anti or for . Some of us are good OFA members and can't decide what side of the fence we should be on and now have a post impaled in well you know where !

It's like this - A "good" OFA member has no trouble understanding that supply management screws consumers and is a financial bully in the farm community.

A "bad" OFA member is quite content to let some farmers be legally able to bully others, and does nothing about it - that makes you a "bad" OFA member, and the immature party in this discussion.

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

Editor: Comment will be posted if resubmitted and signed.

Sometimes it takes the bashers a little while to find a way to connect a story to the evils of SM. Maybe they just need more time or maybe your comment will do the trick!

The above story has made it clear that their is fierce competition at the retail level, contrary to what the anonymous posters have claimed on this site. Raube Beuerman

A bit of a difference between this article and one the CBC did yesterday.According to StatsCan retail prices of grilling steaks and ground beef are up between 11 and 12% in the past 12 months,Pork prices are even higher at 16% since April 2013,hot dog wieners are a bit more stable rising only 5%.Appearently some grocery stores have been able to pass on costs very well.

Statscan warns of higher prices to come with no relief in the near future.

If you are looking for alternatives,chicken has actually declined 0.5% in the last year,StatsCan data shows.

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