Interesting corrections less than truthful says former PKI breeder

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Letter to the editor


If more former breeders would stop their complacency and "get angry" the way Ms. Humbert appears to be then maybe something can be done. There is a very real possibility that nothing will happen if more of us former breeders don't take effective action. I am a Canadian victim of the failed pigeon scheme and I whole heartedly agree with everything in the preceding letter. Almost overnight, I went from being financially comfortable to living in poverty all because of my introduction to the "Pigeon King". I have co-operated with the investigative authorities here in Canada. I have attended all the meetings. I have provided what ever evidence I can to help move the investigation along and still nothing is happening. Surely the police do not intend to interview all 1000 investors. Compelling evidence from five or six former breeders should be enough. We now know that Galbraith reads this website.

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