Justice overturns Anton Piller order in egg grading suit

© AgMedia Inc.

Lawyers spend the day in an Oshawa courtroom trying to sort through a small part of a complex egg marketing case


This case is wrought with enough legal maneuvering to make a whole new reality show. How sad that government and those in a supervisory capacity have sunk so low.

Comment appreciated but modified by editors for legal reasons.

Gray’s lawyer Williams wants Bourdeau cited for contempt of court, for sharing information with other parties while it was protected by the Anton Piller agreement.

WHAT IS ANTON PILLER PROTECTION?????????????????????????????????

That my good friend is what the editors purged from the previous post ....Nothing more no opinion just the definition of Anton Piller agreement. Try goggling it. there is no honesty or transparency in the courts making deals or the sealing of documents.

Editors' note:
We appreciate the many comments posted about this and similar stories and understand everyone's interest in finding answers.
We won't approve legal definitions from other countries however or from non-authoritative sources.

Anton Piller order originates from English case law which is the background of English common law here in Canada. Anton Pillar orders gain popularity here in the 1980's Amazingly Anton pillar orders are also found in legal doctrine book entitled L'Injonction et les ordonnances Anton Piller, .... gens d'affaires du Québec (Shareholders' Agreement and Litigation);

Last I checked Quebec was not a foreign country and much of Canadian law is and has been based on English common law.

When it is all said and done It sounds like Farm Products Marketing Commission has not been doing its job, The good old boy system needs a lawful management Audit.

not much hope for farmers if documents become hidden

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