Labour watchdog slams Ontario’s ag worker act

© AgMedia Inc.

An international organization that oversees labour standards has ruled Ontario's Agriculture Employee's Act violates the province's ag workers' right to bargain collectively

photo: Ken Forth


It's almost 2011, but when it comes to unions, farmers are still acting like we're in the 1930s. Get over it - private sector unions have been in a decline all throughout North America for decades. For example, to the best of my knowledge, Toyota's manufacturing plant at Cambridge isn't unionized, never has been, and probably never will be. The undeniable present-day truth about private-sector unions is that the only businesses which get unionized, are companies which, because of the way they treat their employees, completely deserve to get unionized.

The farm community's arguments opposing the ability of farm workers to form unions, are embarrassing at best, and outright fearmongering at worst. The only issue is that farm workers are second class citizens because they, and almost they alone, are not allowed the same rights as workers in every other sector of our economy.

To turn the issue around, and even though I'm not a big fan of supply management, denying farm workers the right to unionize is exactly the same thing as denying farmers the right to form supply management marketing boards - the farm community looks like absolute hypocrites for trying to have things both ways.

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

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