Lake Erie report outlines recommendations to reduce phosphorus loading

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If manure spreading on frozen ground is prohibited then why is it still happening in Ontario ?

It likely is the fact of do as I say , not as I do has much to do with it .
More so it is political posturing don't you know . It really shows how those speaking on our behalf really don't know or are doing their goody deed for the fiberals with the looming up coming election .

You are aloud to spread manure when frozen according to NMP . You just have to say your pit is full .

I like many have smelled the sweet stench many times this winter and seen many who were not just applying small amounts per acre . But hey we are not the problem , it is the USA farmer .

Only if you have a registered Nutrient management plan ,then you cannot spread on frozen ground---best management practice says to avoid it but no legal ramifications if you do not have run off. Actually frozen ground-no snow and sunny days makes good manure spreading

This should not happen but does quite frequently in the application of nitrogen fertilizer to our wheat crops.

There are better ways but our fertilizer application systems have evolved around fast efficient application - driven by manpower limitations and economics.

I am very supportive of the carrot style of leadership on this very important issue and it would be helpful if federal, provincial and local governments could help to promote and educate our producers on improved applications methods and systems that are available.

Jim Boak

The problem is the fact of having carrot style programs that have loop holes . The biggest problem is the fact that gov puts together cheezy programs but do not do any thing to police the system . Then they want to say that we are doing so much more than . It is easy to point the finger across the border when not looking in the mirror .

NMP's and BMP's are a joke really !

The IJC report also states "The Governments of the United States, Canada, Ontario, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York should accelerate 4Rs (Right
source, Right rate, right time and right place) outreach/extension programs..."

For more information on the 4Rs for Lake Erie, see

Tom Bruulsema, International Plant Nutrition Institute

What science is behind the source identification? It might help to change the behavior if the efficacy of these practices is known. It may also identify any other culprits, if any.

Its all about the water quality,

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