Lower prices, lower demand: Canadian livestock producers encounter COOL realities

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One industry player says there's "movement" in talks between Canada and the United States about controversial U.S. labelling legislation. Meanwhile, Canada's livestock sectors struggle with new realities.


It goes to show that Canada should go to supplymanaged agriculture in every sector and block out imports from the USA, and start building our own infastucture for food supply for Canada before its to late! Meaning canadian farmers are all gone.Thats the road we are heading down. If you want to get the USA attention cut off the oil,gas and electric we send down there that might get thier attention!

Supply management is not with out its faults but the positive aspects far outway the uncertainty and volatility faced by most of our non supply managed secttors i.e. cattle and hogs. I think we worry far too much what the Americans think or worse still what we think the American will do to us should we upset them. I can tell you this, most Americans can't even find Canada on a map. We should makes steps to look after our own markets and supply management is the best way to do this.

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