Members who loaned money to failed organic dairy co-op to get special deal

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Any deal that would give farmer members any type of a deal that gains them more then 7% of the monies they are owed would classify them as preferred creditors and that would not be allowed. regardless if its money, stock options, preferred shares, or future promised earning.

The fact that the unsecured creditors are only getting 7% of what is owed to them is ridicules, they are being penlized for for doing business Organic Meadow, in a huge way, any creditor who supports that plan, is crazy, for 7% roll the dice and vote against the proposal what do you have to lose, all that they have is an option at a better deal or at least a deal that doesn't protect the Organic Meadow farmers at the cost of the unsecured creditors.

So basically, Aviro the investor they owe 9.8 million dollars to is basically making a hostile take over and throwing the unsecured creditors a bone, this deal stinks right to the core.

Organic Meadow coop members allowed this whole situation to stumble out of control and because of that the suppliers who dealt with them in good faith now are being taken to the cleaners.

So if Organic Meadow farmer investors get one penny, I would say they are stealing from the pockets of their unsecured creditors.

You can't have it both ways, you can't say sorry to your creditors that we only have 7% of the money we owe, because we keeping a bunch for our self's and not meet their obligations to their creditors,

They need a reality check the coop is out of business, there is nothing to save and there credibility is shot, they haven't done any in good faith from what I have read, to inform their members or their strategic partners well in advance of this comedy of errors that lead them to this place.

Sean McGivern

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