National business organization casts critical eye on 2015 Ontario budget

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With daytime rates going to double on TOU metered power Ontario is going too need some solutions too our high Electric rates if they don't want too see Farm/Mfg. capacity drop . Clean energy is something everybody likes but it has to be produced at a price that leaves people with jobs or business. Anybody here old enough too remeber Ontario Hydro's ads from '60's that "the power is yours,use it" kg kimball

Farmers and groups representing them don't have much about which to complain.

By virtue of the stratospheric price/earnings multiples they have attached to farm land, farmers have shown they don't need government to "instill any more confidence" and certainly aren't worried about:

(1) compulsory Ontario pension plan contributions
(2) "rising regulatory burdens"
(3) "continually-increasing energy costs"
(4) "minimum wage hikes"

Therefore, if anything, farmers would appear to be saying to government that they could do quite-well with a whole lot less from government rather than more.

This collective confidence among farmers is, as it always is with investors who rush to participate in bubbles, mis-placed, unwise and will ultimately be humbling.

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

How should we expect any Agricultural concern from the current Ontario Government when they have virtually no MP's from rural ridings ?
The payroll tax hike for the on coming Ontario Pension plan is simply another account for the Government to draw funds from.

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