New program puts fresh chicken in the hands of those in need

© AgMedia Inc.


Just like the ORPP has a hidden agenda, so does this program.

The hidden agenda here is that this program will stomp all over small flock producers.

Raube Beuerman

Then it will be just another item for them to whine about!

Its getting to the point were not many individuals or businesses don't donate or raise funds for food banks.Small flockers better get with the program.

Mr Raube ...please explain your logic as to why this generous program "will stomp all over small flock producers".
It is similar to the "donate a Hog " program

G Kimble

Mr. Kimble, if chicken farmers were in any way generous, they would have raised the non-quota limit from 300 birds to 2000 birds.

Raube Beuerman

I think there must be several reasons why the CFO are choosing to donate chickens to the food bank rather then deal with so many disjointed voices from the small flock group ( PFO, Mr McGivern, Mr Black, etc etc )

A couple of facts A) A tax break to anyone is a cost to others. This is no different than just taking government money and giving it to someone. It is not a free solution. Like all other tax deductible charitable donations they cost us (the taxpayer) money even if you don't approve of them.
B) Chicken and dairy operate under a continually subsidized support system manifested by tariffs, which by definition raises the price of their product.

Raube Beuerman

The NEW 2015 U.S. Farm Bill is classified not as a tax but as an investment in their agriculture that allows mega bucks to be INVESTED in corn, soys, wheat, plus fruit and vegetables which subsidizes their value added ag industry and kick starts their whole economy. Of course this is illegal according to WTO level playing field and anti dumping rules. Even a recent presentation by U.S. university professor at the south West Ag Conference at Ridgetown said the new ARC program is essentially a dumping and coutervaileable program. As they say, he who has the gold gets to make their own rules. To add insult to injury Section 179 of their IRS allows them to shelter those windfall income dollars with up to a $500,000.00 per year in equipment (technology) allowance write offs to insure they don't pay tax but do gearup to out compete the rest of the ag world.

If chicken farmers weren't the judge, jury and executioner behind price gouging at the farm gate, consumers wouldn't need to go to food banks in the first place.

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

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