New provincial budget mirrors pre-election spending plans

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Wynne's government has been proposing the ORPP(ontario retirement pension plan). This new tax on business is a way for the liberal government to then divert those forced savings by money managers into Ontario bonds, since no other investor with half a brain will want them.

In the meantime, many business that won't want to pay the 1.8% of employees wages (and rising hydro rates) will pack up and move elsewhere.

Raube Beuerman

It's no co-incidence that Ontario and Quebec, the two provinces that have the most supply managed farms,(the bulk of the quota) are the poorest performing provinces economically with no growth, wait, let me rephrase that, impossible growth.

Raube Beuerman

Fortunately we here in Ontario have the non-SM Beef and Pork sectors to stimulate economic growth.The Bankers just drool over those Beef and Pork guys walking in the door,so l have heard.

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