No answers in sight for stalled MicroFIT developer

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A Thamesville area cash cropper doubts a review of Ontario’s green energy programs will jeopardize his stalled solar project; it’s Hydro One he’s worried about


It is hard to feel sorry for this 1100 acre farmer with four ground-mounted solar projects that couldn’t be connected to the electricity grid on the same day he had signed papers for a $350,000 loan to pay for the equipment.

Was he not satisfied getting one but had to have four projects,is there some greed or would it have been a cash for life old age pension?

There is alot of greed out there,not just him. The big just want everything they can get,and they will step or run over any small guy or gal to get it. The solar projects and windmills owners is paid way to much for the hydro and they are the first one to whine about their hydro bills.

Enough of the cheap shots. The facts are that the Ontario Power Authority and Hydro One knew a long time ago that they couldn't accommodate all the interest in Microfit projects. However nobody had the guts to raise the warning flags till it was way too late and way too much money had been invested!

The issue of greed is raised. Put a price on carbon emissions, put a price on new nuclear plants and transmission systems instead, put a price on job creation. It is not a simple decision, we won't know how good the investment in solar panels was for another 15-20 years

Henry Aukema, Strathroy

I guess its supply man. in the power business. Its first come first serve and the ones down the laddder just have to wait or do without. How much can Ontario afford to have all its hydro for 80 cents. I agree that we need clean energy but why pay that much when it can be alot more inline, why don,t they try to get every house and plants off the grid and get rid of all those lines and dirty plants. Hydro contracts seems more like a lottery win to me.

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