Ontario’s chicken industry is in crisis says processor group

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The OIPP wants a totaly unbaised task force...but wants to be part of it? ..it wouldn't be unbaised then would it!

Does anyone know what percentage of processing in Ontario is represented by OIPP? I've never heard of this group...

Sad just grow chicken proces it and sell it that's how the rest of the world works no reason to ask permission well maybe in Cuba and Venezuela sadly in Canada

It seems to me there is more multiculturalism in Ontario and B.C. So why not grow or process the chickens for that purpose which in turn will bring more tourism and business. This will also offset the gas plant blunder of the Liberal government.

Canada as a country is overly regulated. Examples - banking, telecommunications, resources, agriculture, just to name a few.

With banking, telecommunications, and even medicine, regulations are almost always directed to the betterment of consumers, and by-and-large, it works. In agriculture, however, the regulations (particularly the ones demanded by, and/or loved by farmers) aren't for the betterment of consumers, but are for the financial benefit of the first generation of the farmers affected. The problem with regulation arises when government artificially chooses who should benefit, and that is the problem with wind and solar energy, as well as ethanol and supply management. This artificial economy created by regulation has balkanized agriculture to a far-greater extent than any other sector of our economy, and we, even in agriculture, are worse off because of it. For example, when was the last time, to the nearest century, any farmer, or farm group, paid any attention to how consumers might benefit from a regulation designed to benefit farmers?

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

I totally agree. But will government have the balls to do anything about it agriculture or will they just listen to the select few and stagnate the province's economy. It seems that the lobbyists always has the government's ear while the consumer suffers

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