Ontario farm registration fee increase moves to next step

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Smallest farm group ponders implications of keeping its fee the same


Can this OFA claim be substantiated? Or is this half the truth....Everyone I talk to adds the caviate ..."when they do something"

If anyone takes the time since restructuring to log the achievements it is a very short list with no end of lurchable crisis not addressed.

Pay increases and bonuses should be a reward for achievement after there is proof they can do the job. There are very few sectors of agriculture better off now than last year

I visited the federation building at the Woodstock farm show and chuckled because here the OFA is again burning up $ under the pretence that they are doing something. All they are capable of is being a cheerleader for the government in power, praising their policy, all the while with their hand out asking for more. If 85% of farms belong to this useless organization then they deserve what they get.

It's always interesting to hear from people who like to sit on the sidelines and snipe at their fellow farmers who actually get out and work for the improvement of agriculture.
I think we know who is really useless here. Why are you so bitter? Get your butt out there and do something.

I often wonder if the business registration fee should be based on operation size $200 per year for a small operation is alot for the value produced, but for a large operation it may be of better value for the dollars spent.

again the small guy is up against the wall

I object to the large increase in farm registration fees, especially without advance notice from Agricorp. Why am I forced to pay this fee into one of three farm organizations that I have little or no affiliation to? Why can I not pay to my preferred recipient of choice, Canadian Organic Growers? Why is the fee not based on the size of each farm?

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