Ontario unveils new neonic rules

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There's a broad similarity between the thrust of the government's announcement for neonicotinoid restrictions and what for-hire sprayers must do in order to get (and keep) a Pesticides Operator Licence and that, I suggest as someone who is thusly licenced, and who, in younger years saw people too-often sloshing herbicides on crops willy-nilly, is a good thing.

While studying for, and passing, the multi-hour exterminator's exam as well as paying the annual fee and liability insurance were (and are) bothersome, they are all doable and make for a better industry.

One consequence of the neonicotinoid proposals is that they are likely to increase the business of custom corn planters (especially if they also happen to operate seed corn dealerships) who will buy the seed and then bill the farmers for both the seed and the custom planting.

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

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