Paperwork overtakes farming, studies find

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Farmers’ days are increasingly bogged down in red tape five southwestern Ontario county studies find


How will there be room for new farmers when the farmers already in farming think they should get bigger so they can have it all. Ther,s only so much land out there and everyone is competing for it. The cities need more for houses , roads ,dumps and stores not so much for factories. Go and pay 2000$ and or for land to grow a cow or some of the other non-supply management produce and see how long you last.Alot of the older farmers are the only ones that can afford to pay for land ,equipment and all the other things needed to farm with. It would be nice if they will train some of the other farmers for much neede education and maybe they can help some of the younger ones out to get into farming.

we need to teach younger farmers about greed , the older farmers have lost the values of community and hard times

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