Pig farmer acquitted in methane-fueled barn fire

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A tragic accident happens and be it a farm or business ends up getting charged and fined . No employer ever wants too have an accident and trys to operate in a safe matter and if a hog farm he pays + or - 7% of gross wage in WSIB premiums . A worker was injured nearby a few years ago on a tomato harvester ,pure accident ,no fault but they still charged farmer and in lieu of a large fine or worse he plead guilty and still paid a substanial penalty. The FGC hog barn would have been built too engineer specs and passed by building inspector. Lawyers and lawsuits are becoming common like US anymore.

A boar stud I worked at always claimed that they were somehow exempt from paying WSIB and as such if we got injured and had to take time off we were SOL. I always found that very fishy. Another employee said that they used to pay the premiums but it got too expensive... people were getting injured all the time so I'm not surprised.

The only ones not covered by WSIB and paying premiums is the owner or shareholders-Everyone else,kids,family,part time,students,ect. by law have to be covered. Have a serious employee injury with out WSIB coverage and you will be having supper in jail

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