Pigeon kill begins

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Most growers still haven’t decided what to do since founder Arlan Galbraith walked away from Pigeon King International two weeks ago. Some however have already hired two Ontario companies that have stepped in to help the farming community deal humanely and efficiently with hundreds of thousands of unwanted pigeons left behind


Just an idea for a market that doesn't seem to have been explored for these farmers: Why not get a bunch of these squab farmers left in the lurch by Pigeon King together, and sell the birds as a pet food? Perhaps a pet food co. already in existence may be interested? Cats don't usually eat turkeys or chickens in the wild, pigeon seems like it would be a good substitute. I am not a farmer, or a feed producer, but I think its a shame that all these birds should go to waste. I guess this idea has probably been researched to death already, but I have yet to see anyone talk about it.

Edmonton, Alberta

I would like to know how many of these Pidgeons were just let go ??

I have lived on my farm north of Cornwall for 21 years and never had a pidgeon problem.

Now ?

My hay loft is full. My garage is full and my unfinished addition on the back of my house is full to the point I had to gut the east wall of my house upstairs to get rid of the pidgeon poop.

Disgusting !!!

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