Pigeon king’s bankruptcy trial delayed again

© AgMedia Inc.

Trustee ‘has registered an interest on title’ to Arlan Galbraith’s farm near Cochrane


Come on enough is enough why is this dragging on. This guy is living high on the hog in his fancy house. Make him pay.

My wife and I now have four jobs between the two of us due to the bankruptcy of PKI. At our age, we should be slowing down NOT putting in such long hours. We were actually quite comfortable financially until that fateful day we signed a contract with Arlen Gailbraith! We have a property for sale due to pressure from our bank. If the authorities knew of the tremendous suffering and stress maybe they would act with more due haste.

Its been what, a year and a half now? It seems to me that spouting off on the internet in these forums, makes us feel better while we are at the computer. But beyond that, it doesn't seem to accomplish much. Maybe we should all coordinate our efforts and anger and resources, and get a lawyer (I can't believe I am saying this because I dislike lawyers so much), a good, high profile lawyer, like Greenspan or Allan Lenczner, to see what our REAL options are, and proceed from there. Get the ball rolling. Seems to me that we only have two years to act, before something like a statute of limitations runs out. The way time flies, and the way this investigation has gone, I hope I am wrong on that.

I agree with this idea. I do not have much money left but the few dollars I do have I would contribute towards a fund with the idea of hiring a competent lawyer. It is quite clear that sitting back and waiting for the authorities to take action may not be in OUR best interests.

It is unfortunate it has taken so long for this process. People's savings are probably being squandered away in various accounts in other people's pockets. Many people who were convinced into this being a good idea are hurting and suffering due to the lack of controls. Some have suffered health problems due to this extra stress and some will never recover. I look forward to getting this resolved.

If Arlan Gailbraith is found guilty of operating a Ponzi scheme, then what? Is there any sort of compensation we can look forward to. I handed over a lot of money to this man with the expectation that he would honor the terms of his contract. To date, I have received not one penny back. I can not for the life of me understand what is taking the police so long in this matter. I too look forward to getting this resolved.

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