Pigeon King migrates north to new roost

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In mid September, Better Farming staff headed north, retracing the Pigeon King’s route from Waterloo to Cochrane. They inspected some of the assets purchased with the now-bankrupt company’s money and asked neighbours about the man who left roughly 1,000 investors holding worthless pigeons.


Thank God our country (meaning the authorities and laws)protects the little guys?

Remember what it said on his Waterloo office door, "he who does not trust should not be trusted". Sounds like he must of not trusted anyone with what has happened here.

From the article It is a wonder that the authorities did not step in to investigate this further. It sounds like those that worked with him are also involved.

I went to see an established Squab farm to see if I had any chance to sell my PKI birds. I could not believe the difference in size,(of the birds) in set up, the amount of work in control of the birds. I hope Arlan is sleeping well in his retirement home.

This is NOT over by a long shot!! If Arlan Gailbraith thinks he can retreat to the obscurity of Northern Ontario and dissolve any responsibility in this pigeon scheme, he is sadly mistaken. The banks are only now starting to apply pressure on the hard working albeit naive investors in PKI. As more and more former PKI investors lose their farms and properties the anger towards Arlan Gailbraith will surely continue to grow. Maybe Arlan should consider a property in Iceland or Greenland.

Canadians are way too complacent. I was born and raised in Europe where something like this pigeon scheme would not be tolerated. Arlan Gailbraith deserves the same fate as some of his investors, i.e. to be penniless and facing the prospect of starting over again with nothing.
Congratulations to Better Farming for exposing this.

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