Pigeon King responds to Better Farming

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Letter to the editor


Wake up Arlan! Thanks for enlightening the readers as to how you handled your money. how do you account for the large sums of money you paid to individuals that worked for you. Some of these people earned more money in 1 year then they would in a life time. Explain that.

I suspect that you have put a great deal of effort and time and resources into accounting for where and how all the money was spent or hidden. At the end of the day, the fact still remains that 100% of the blame and 100% of the distrust for the failed pigeon scheme is laid squarely on YOUR shoulders! I was an investor that lost a great sum of money and will lose my farm over all this. I don't care about your health. I don't care about your story. I don't care about any of your ridiculous reasons for your failures. This is NOT over!

Arlan, please tell us about your health. We are all concerned about your Cancer. Our prayers are with you.

Arlan, did you really have plans for a pigeon processing plant in Cochrane? Why choose a location so far far from your markets?

Arlan, did you not claim that you were debt free? If that is the case how do you account for the 40 million in your Bankruptcy?

I find it amusing that you can claim that "Multiplication Contracting" is NOT a pyramid or Ponzi scheme.

Without an identified or established market for the product, that is EXACTLY what it is.

I have reviewed and financed literally thousands of business plans over my career and have never participated in anything that did not have a source of repayment. In this case, the only source of repayment for PKI obligations were new breeders.

That's funny. While I worked for you, I heard mentioned, many times, that your plan was to eventually "retire" in Cochrane.

I cannot believe that he lives in Cochrane! It is horrible what he has done to those people

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