Pigeon King says goodbye to Waterloo roost

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Remax real estate agent Scott Miller confirmed today (Monday) that Arlan Galbraith, architect of a failed North American pigeon breeding scheme, has accepted a deal to sell his house in a tony Waterloo neighbourhoo


why do you keep calling it a luxury house there are bigger houses in the town, you should have drove around when you were up there, just because the other houses on the road some of them not all of them are run down and piles of junk, does not mean arlans is a luxury home just because it is new.
get over it.

Whoever wrote the preceding comment obviously didn't lose thousands of dollars from the failed pigeon scheme the way myself and my family did. Better Farming has every right to call it a luxury home if that is the way they perceive it just as I have every right to call Arlan Galbraith whatever I choose! I hope Galbraith enjoys his LUXURY home for a little while yet. I'd rather live in squalor and be happy than live in a castle and have to look over my shoulder constantly.

His home up there is a luxury home. Just drive around the north and you will see that home stands out from the homes out in Cochrane area. I went up myself to take a look.

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