PKI incorporation emerges as key issue

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How, and if, the founder of a failed pigeon breeding scheme promoted his company’s incorporation to business associates may well hold the key to his defense against personal bankruptcy.


Talk about "circling the wagons". Galbraith seems doomed by the nay-sayers who were determined to not let him get an inch further with his dream (I was looking forward to buying Squab at the grocery store) and are succeeding, now, in shooting him down completely.

Remind me to keep my self-confidence in check...

Why do we not hear what this person has to say? My gosh but we hear the SAME thing but in a mind-boggling change of sentence structure from TOO many gas-bag politicians.

It has become clear in the comments I have read and the way that Galbraith presents himself, that he indeed is not stable. This is another example of how someone has taken advantage of others. It still remains an issue as to why Galbraith would not have began to market the meat on the market as opposed to waiting so long. No test marketing was completed. A total sham.

I can not make any sense of the proceeding statement. I have read it several times and have no understanding of what the writer is attempting to say. If you were looking forward to buying squab at your local grocery store and are now upset that it may not be available, you have ONLY one person to direct your anger at: Arlan Gailbraith!! The man had several years and over a thousand producers supplying him with product and by his own admission on CTV W5 he NEVER made any effort to supply a single grocery store with so much as one bird. His dream may have been to harvest as much money as possible from unsuspecting investors and to that extent, he was very successful.

I am tired of hearing people say they were looking forward to buying locally grown squab in Canada. Squab have been available for more years than I can remember. There are three plants that I know of in Southern Ontario processing local pigeons right now. Who knows how many there are all over Ontario. There is a specialty supplier, La Ferme Black River and many more like it delivering all over Ontario. Splendido, a restaraunt in Toronto wins awards for it's preparation of locally grown squab. There was a story in a large Toronto newspaper a few years ago about squab, with interviews with chefs and the suppliers and local growers. So open your eyes and look for it and you will find it.

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