Processor’s continued transport violations prompts enforcement debate

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But in the factory farming of animals with the huge numbers involved abuse and neglect is common, rampant and unchecked!

The simple answer is stop killing and eating animals. It is not justifiable in any objective ethical way, harms out health, and harms the planet, and unless you are wearing your culturally-agreed-upon-ignorance blinders --- clearly harms animals.... duhhh.. genetically manipulating, confining, and killing anyone is wrong - hunan animal, or non-human animal. Eliminate animal products from from your diet, End the state sponsored animal abuse in your life. (and a live a longer, healthier life)

Plant-Based Diet Is Best for the Planet, New Science Says
Nov. 12, 2014

'Using about 50 years’ worth of data from the world’s 100 most populous countries, UM Professor of Ecology G. David Tilman and graduate student Michael Clark show how current diet trends are contributing, not only to diet-related illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease, but also to dangerously increasing agricultural greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs).

“This is the first time this data has been put together to show these links are real and strong and not just the mutterings of food lovers and environmental advocates,” explains Tilman.

“Alternative diets that offer substantial health benefits could, if widely adopted, reduce global agricultural greenhouse gas emissions, reduce land clearing and resultant species extinctions, and help prevent such diet-related chronic non-communicable diseases,” write Tilman and Clark in the Nature article.'

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