Production insurance expansion puts Ontario in step with other provinces: Ag minister

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Lets see now the gov't has said NO new money for Ag budget, yet seem to be prepared to add in livestock, fruits vegetables plus hort to the current "crop insurance" pool of funding.

Toby Barrett hit he nail on the head with his ?“In the event of a catastrophic loss, will this subtract money from other commodities that are presently covered by crop insurance?” Apparently, it would appear, that if this is anything like what happened when OFA OASC advocated adding other commodities to the original Crops RMP price protection program, we could end up with a severely capped and neutered original crop insurance program.

Toby Barrett is absolutely correct, “we can’t have a situation of robbing Peter to pay Paul.” which is what happened with RMP.

The solution is oh so simple. Separate Peter's crop insurance program legislation from Paul's new livestock, fruit and veg plus hort programs.

It seems we have more Liberal bad math coming out of Queens Park . We are being told that 14,000 representing 5 million acres . If I recall correctly Grain Farmers of Ontario has 28,000 members who plant about 5 million acres . Some thing does not add up .

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