Ridgetown campus launches fundraising drive

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While I'm all for research and all that good stuff, I'm not overly-keen to give my money, or see public money given, to duplicate research which may be, for example, already ongoing or even already published, less than four hours away from here at Michigan State University.

In particular, even though I'm not an expert in crop production systems, I don't see a lot of difference between growing white beans, corn, soybeans, wheat and anything else in Huron County, Ontario and growing the same crops 40 miles west of here in Huron County, Michigan, and therefore, I see no need for identical research to be done in both jurisdictions.

While "re-inventing the wheel" by conducting isolationist research using either private or public money may be seen by scientists who have a job on the line and College Deans who have jobs to defend to be "good science", it is, nonetheless, a 1950's approach which, by ignoring the research and information instantly-available globally, is poor economic policy and even-poorer public policy.

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

We do need research based in Ont. I have big changes in ground and cropping systems within 10 miles and that is before you account for being downwind from Lake Huron. Ontario research especially stuff not funded by someone selling the seed/chemical/equipment is way too limited now. Take the Bee issue, with the chemical companies on one side and the Bee keepers on the other with very differing opinions on a product that has supposedly been well researched. Someone is right and someone is wrong but without independent research we will never know who.

The problem is the research is being too concentrated in Ridgetown and Guelph, and being cut in the north and Kempville to save money.

John Gillespie

Research is important but where do you draw the line as to how much replication happens ? In your micro climate along the lake you can argue all day long that it is different but reallity is that it is the same as some where else . You could even go as far as saying that things are specific to your operation only because of how and when you do things in your field . Even with in your field you could say that things are different . If you think it is too wet where you stopped to check , walk 10 or 20 feet and it very well could be different .
Research is done more as a generalization and does need to be tweaked to apply in each situation . Same as education . It is general in scope unless you take a certain course that is only specific to one thing only . Even then it relates to many other areas .

There really needs to be more research done in agriculture across borders . There is only so much funding to go around . Research dollars need to be spent much more wisely .

be careful with the U of G. After they raise this money they may just close the campus:(

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