Ritz earns title of most lobbied cabinet minister – again

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What else can I say? Next. Raube Beuerman

Without supply management to defend (or oppose, as is likely the case with the canola people), Gerry Ritz would likely easily become the least-lobbied Minister in Cabinet.

What's worse is that every one of these seemingly never-ending, and seemingly increasingly-desperate, visits by supply management was financed out of the wallets of Canadian consumers who deserve better from those farmers who are supposed to be protecting their interests.

And the ultimate stinkeroo is for Ritz to imply that dairy and poultry farmers are somehow "forward thinking", rather than just greedy and self-centered.

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

Let the numbers tell the story - Ag Minister Ritz got 44 meetings last year about international trade, which, in real terms, means supply management. And since DFC and the Chicken Farmers of Canada lobbied him the most, this means supply management is scared, and rightly so

If supply management really believed supply management was secure, two meetings a year would be more-than-enough.

The frequency of their lobbying efforts simply means that in addition to bullying consumers, and being financial bullies in the farm community, supply managed farm organizations are also being bullies with the time Ag Minister Ritz has available to deal with all agricultural issues - it is not fair to the rest of the farm community, and just another reason to get rid of supply management.

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

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