Some migrant workers get paid, some don’t

© AgMedia Inc.

Rol-Land Farms Ltd’s workers are paid, but 136 migrant and Canadian farm workers from Ghesquiere Plant Farm Ltd are still owed four to five weeks salary plus vacation pay


If these workers are owed four to five weeks of salary, it would normally mean they are getting paid monthly - but if they were getting paid weekly, what processes and procedures were in place to prevent them being taken advantage of, even inadvertently, by this, or any other, employer?

All I know is that if I was getting paid weekly, I'd be more than just a tad grumpy, and not-overly willing to continue working at all, let alone for another month.

Even when giving Mr. Ghesquiere the full benefit of the doubt, anything more than a week's pay being in dispute is the sort of thing which gives all agricultural employers a bad name, and, if anything, gives even-more justification for allowing farms to be unionized so as to prevent this sort of thing from happening again.

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

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