Standardbred horse breeders say they have no choice but to sue the province

© AgMedia Inc.


The race horse industry either knew, or should have known, that the entire industry was built on legislated entitlement which could end at any time.

Why is it that people who wrap themselves in the flag of agriculture, including every supply managed farmer as well as almost everyone in the race horse sector, refuse to understand that legislated entitlement can come into effect without notice, and disappear equally as easily?

If the majority of those in the race horse sector didn't understand the basic business rule of never investing in something dependent on legislation, rather than economic principles, for its existence, then why should anyone feel sorry for them when their greed, and their blindness, finally, and appropriately, gets the better of them?

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

Don't even worry about legislated entitlement , it is the fact that the industry is making it's money from gambling . Next they will be looking for a special tax to help them get rich .
How many of those horses are pin cushions for banned substances ? Fixed races and crooked drivers holding back horses has never happened either .

Leave it to the Liberals to axe something that was actually "making" the Government money,on the other hand seems prefectly a politician!

On the bright side,the Amish know have some mighty fast horses to get to church with on Sundays.

While it may well be that it was making the gov money , how long was that going to last ? Like so many things the gov gets involved in there is sure to be an end to the profit that should be made with all the high wages , union wages and just bad accounting that happens no matter what party is in power . We now have an education and health care system on the cusp of disaster , a hydro system that we can't afford , driving jobs out of the province because of money making Greed Enenrgy that does not even hire locals but out of country workers because they don't trust locals . How does that fit in for local job creation ?
We are in trouble people . Big trouble !

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