Strengthen ag business risk programs, say Ontario farm sector leaders

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Something Ag Ministers need to deal with in risk management is If you make the program too attractive and invite over production you then move "farming" into even more consolidation as when risk is removed the ones with money will expand more,push land/rent values and just make it that much more difficult for the beginning/young farmer to get established . What is a reasonable payment cap? Being an exporting country we want to be careful on what rules we place on imports as we don't want to be another UK and if the Donald gets elected south of us who knows what will happen . The ones putting a risk mangement program to-gether have a real hard task as the worst thing would be to get in another countervailing duty war.

Risk Management should limited to those under 40 or first 10 years of farming which is longer. Risk Management should be only on your first $500,000 gross farm income per year.

Risk management should be limited you are so right

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