Study details egg industry’s declining environmental impact

© AgMedia Inc.


Nice article

It's a classic example of "re-upholstering the deck chairs on the Titanic" and/or "grasping at straws" for egg farmers to boast about improved environmental efficiency while at the same time ignoring the tremendous economic inefficiencies caused by supply management.

In addition, egg farmers completely-ignore the "one/two" adverse environmental impact caused by economic inefficiencies inherent in supply management - for example, the amount of paper and office space wasted as well fuel-consuming trips to Ottawa and all Provincial Capitals to defend supply management have a tremendous impact on the environment that egg farmers conveniently and incorrectly ignore.

Therefore, rather than being a "nice" article, it is, by any fairness yard-stick, disingenuous, slippery and self-serving.

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

Seems more like consolidation has happened over the years rather than an actual environmental impact improvement . Slick sick salesmanship I say .

Then l guess we have to find a way of consolidating human beings.

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