Tight milk board election contested

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There is only one course of action and that is to observe the published election rules and count only valid ballots that were postmarked before the deadline.
Common sense alone should tell DFO, even if they can't find a bit of competent legal advice,  they can't change the rules and count invalid ballots.
When Lloyd is quoted as saying they have received a request "to reconsider counting some ballots that were excluded" what he is really saying is they are being asked to consider counting some ballots that were invalid. I am sure that the farmer board members will be smarter than that.
Perhaps it does explain why the election results from two weeks ago were never posted on the DFO  website simply including a mention of the possibility of a recount. This was  always done in the past. This would've been honest and transparent.
Meanwhile farmers find out the truth from Better Farming but not from DFO.

The counting of ballots is not rocket science . Ballots should have been counted emmediatly after the election . Then if a recount was wanted it should have been declared right away . No good ever came from time wasted between counts . If the election tally was wrong because some ballots were not there to be counted then who screwed up ? Some ones head should roll . Go with what it is , get on with life and be mature about it .

Forgot to mention that Murray is NOT vice chair of DFO. He failed in a run at the chair's job before and was then dumped from the DFO executive, Versteeg and Dietrich are now the vice chairs.

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