Dig Deep Archive

Conservation Authority Act changes

Staff and industry stakeholders are shocked by recent government directions

By Nicholas Van Allen

In midsummer, “conservation authorities (CA) and Conservation Ontario (were) stunned” by a letter from Jeff Yurek, minister of the environment, conservation and parks, Conservation Ontario said in a Aug. 19 press release.

CAs are required by the Conservation Authorities Act to “re-focus their efforts on the delivery of programs and services related to their core mandate,” Yurek said in his Aug. 16 letter.

Ag’s position in the national food policy puzzle

The Canadian Produce Marketing Association president provides his perspective on how the policy could affect the fresh produce sector

By Kate Ayers
Staff Writer
Better Farming

In June, the federal government launched Canada’s first food policy, which is a $134.4-million investment over the next five years.

Through this policy, the government aims to address a range of challenges that the agri-food industry and Canadians face, such as food insecurity, food waste and food illiteracy.

How to beef up your feed supplies

While cattle will generally steer away from toxic weeds, livestock can be poisoned by grazing on certain plants or eating contaminated feed

By Kate Ayers
Staff Writer
Better Farming

Volatile weather conditions can significantly affect farmers’ abilities to produce and maintain quality feed and forages for their animals.

Prolonged dry or wet periods take their toll on pastures and forage fields, and can result in thin feed supplies throughout the year.

Province examines future of local governments

Michael Fenn’s 2017 report may shed light on possible recommendations in the current regional government review

By Jim Algie

Single-tier regional municipalities may be the way to go in rural Ontario, suggested a 2017 report by one of two provincial government advisers currently reviewing regional municipalities in Ontario.

Time for training: the new transport rules are here

Trucking and transportation in Picture Butte, Alta.

by Nicholas Van Allen

To get a national perspective on the new livestock trucking regulations, Better Farming spoke with Rick Paskal, president of Van Raay Paskal Farms Ltd., a cattle farm based in southern Alberta.

The operation has both a feedlot and a trucking division, so the team is doubly aware of the forthcoming changes. The new rules, which include shorter travel times and stricter definitions of “compromised” and “unfit” animals, come into effect in February 2020.

The food that doesn’t reach the plate

Loop Resource plays a critical role in diverting organic wastes from landfills and provides small farms with alternative feed sources

By Kate Ayers
Staff Writer
Better Farming

Each year, 58 per cent of the food Canadian farmers produce is lost or wasted, equating to 35.5 million metric tonnes (78.3 billion pounds), Second Harvest Food Rescue and Value Chain Management International Inc. (VCMI) say in a 2019 technical report.

Investing in mental health on and off the farm

Ag mental health advocate shares her thoughts on the best ways to manage farm work and personal activities

By Lauren Arva
Staff Writer
Better Farming

Is maintaining a work-life balance different than a life balance?

For Lesley Kelly, co-founder of the Do More Agriculture Foundation and a grain farmer from Watrous, Sask., an important distinction exists.

When considering the concept of a work-life balance, Kelly prefers to think strictly of a life balance.

Relying on renewables: raising fuel’s ethanol content

Kansas Ethanol, LLC is set to incorporate Syngenta’s Enogen corn into biofuel production this fall

By Kate Ayers
Staff Writer
Better Farming

Syngenta and Kansas Ethanol, LLC recently signed a three-year marketing agreement to use Enogen corn enzyme technology at the biofuel plant. This deal will provide participating growers with a premium per Enogen bushel and will benefit local communities.

Supply-managed sectors look to future

The World Trade Organization wants to eliminate ag export subsidies

By Jim Algie
Better Farming

Just when you thought all the trade talk had ended, along comes the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) decision to revive long-stalled talks about agriculture.