Commission supports mandatory fee for floriculture growers Wednesday, April 9, 2008 by SUSAN MANN The Commission put the questions to the test in January and its results show strong support for the proposal, says the Commission’s chair, David Hope. Consequently, it will recommend to the provincial agriculture minister that Flowers Canada (Ontario) be the floriculture growers’ representative organization and that the mandatory fee be established, he says. Just a little over half (51.7 per cent) of the 356 known eligible greenhouse floriculture growers who received a ballot participated in the vote. Hope says voter turnout is considered along with the percentage that voted in favour. But “there isn’t a threshold that’s established” for voter turnout. A minimum of two-thirds of participants voting in favour and those who give their support representing a minimum of half of the production are the only thresholds used to determine whether a proposal has garnered enough support. Of the greenhouse floriculture growers who cast ballots, 78 per cent voted in favour of the question of the Flowers Canada (Ontario) proposal. Those voting in favour represented 91 per cent of the square footage of those casting ballots. The Commission conducted a mail-in vote from Jan. 10 to 23. It isn’t known why those growers who had a chance to vote didn’t, says Gerald Vanderlugt, vice president of Flowers Canada (Ontario). “I find it very sad.” Vanderlugt says they should have come forward. “It would have shown that they are more aware of what’s going on in the industry.” Nevertheless, the results show “the strength of the organization,” he says. “I find it absolutely awesome what the organization does.” Only greenhouse floriculture growers with 20,000 square feet or more of cut flowers, potted plants, annual bedding plants or propagative plant material were eligible to vote. The proposal called for a mandatory annual fee based on two cents per square foot of greenhouse area. The fee would be capped at $13,000. Growers with operations of less than 20,000 square feet couldn’t vote, but they wouldn’t be charged a fee either. The money will be used to fund the association’s activities, including trade, marketing, pest control, and improving the production and marketing of greenhouse floriculture products in Ontario. It’s estimated the fee will generate $1 million annually for the association. Approval protocols require that the agriculture minister take the Commission’s recommendation to Cabinet for a decision. No dates have been set for the recommendation going to the minister and getting on Cabinet’s agenda. But that whole process could take about three months, says Vanderlugt. BF A discouraging outlook for fruit plant Look for MOU vote this summer
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