Wind and solar projects announced

© AgMedia Inc.

The 25, large-scale FIT projects will be connected through a reinforced transmission corridor


The Liberals are, of course, ignoring the fact that 10,000 jobs could easily be lost because of the increased taxes necessary to finance the regressive economic structure of both wind, and solar, power.

But then again, when you're a "true believer", faith always triumphs over economics - for at least a while.

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

Great that what we need more big lots of crap , Why don,t they put solar panel on top of the buildings or sky scrapers. Good thing I don,t have any beside me think it would be a living hell to here those blades and look at them or all those panels. Its terrible to pollute the country side with all that junk , use the land to help feed the people and let the wildlife have a place to stay.

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