Automatic quota adjustments begin in August

© AgMedia Inc.

With national butter stocks within normal levels there’s no longer a need to suspend the process that adjusts each province’s share of the production, says Canadian Dairy Commission CEO


Anyone from a non-farm background would easily wonder if there aren't more people on various Boards, Tribunals, Committees, consulting contracts, administrative teams, lobbying efforts, and other projects, devoted solely to making sure supply management doesn't collapse under the ever-increasing weight of sheer inefficiency, than there are people actually milking the cows.

It would seem that supply management, in a way remarkably similar to that seen in Soviet-era Russia, is more about full employment for all the lackeys supply management needs to make it function, than about any benefit to the consumer. But then, only in the fairy-tale world of supply management would anyone have the nerve to claim that 200% tariff barriers are of benefit to the consumer.

Someday, just like the collapse of the Berlin Wall, 20 years ago, the bad dream of supply management will just end, and not a moment too soon.

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