Brampton farmer disputes quota transfer policy

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So what if she's married to a farmer and why not change? Tthis is 2012 isn't it and everything else has changed why can't Ontario farmers pass it on to thier family? It should have changed in the first place ...what is wrong with our country? Farmers have worked all there lives and still they put all of us down .

The first issue is discrimination on the basis of marital status - since all the couple would appear to need to do is to get a legal separation to be compliant, the DFO rules appear to be discriminatory. The second issue is the extent to which dairy farming has become a system of primogeniture - meaning that inheritance is the only way to get into it. The first issue is the result of a stupid rule - the second issue is a result of a stupid system which needs to be abolished so that the first issue wouldn't be an issue at all. Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

Without question family transfers of quota should be allowed to take place at anytime.What's next, are they not going to allow the transfer of hog ,beef or cash crop farms to the next generation because they will have a more viable chance of being a productive farmer.If the tribunal does not vote in favour of this family,I truly believe it is time for dairy policy to change in Ontario.
John Van Dyk

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