Canadian organic growers join U.S. court case

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The Canadian Organic Growers will be among those taking court action against Monsanto in the United States


It is next to impossible for organic producers to keep GMO materials off their farms when grown by others in the area. Why should Monsanto be able to claim that their products are containable within the field they are grown in and then be able to sue victims of unwanted GMO spread onto organic farms for patent infringement? Good for the COG and the other organizations for launching and joining in this lawsuit.

Ruth Pryzner

Responsible farmers and farm organizations can only hope Judge Buchwald determines this lawsuit against Monsanto is not only completely without merit, but also "frivolous and vexatious", and then goes on to award costs to be assessed against the people who filed the lawsuit, including the Canadian Organic Growers.

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

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