First commercial season for biotech beets

© AgMedia Inc.

A debate boiling in the U.S. about the use of genetically modified sugar beets won’t bubble into Ontario, predicts the chair of the province’s Sugarbeet Growers’ Association. Glenn Jack said he hasn’t seen any protest on this side of the border regarding the use of the beets.


I'm blogging & giving up sugar over this.

Until sugar is labeled as either GMO or non-GMO I won't touch the stuff.
I'll bet I'm not the only one.

Glen Jack hasn't been following the news if he thinks there's been no opposition to GMO sugar beets in Canada. Anti-GMO and biofuel activists scored a victory in PEI last week when the provincial government refused to co-operate with the Atlantic Bioenergy Corporation - a company that wanted to build a sugar beet biofuel plant on PEI.

Opposition to GMO crops is strong in PEI and sugar beets are not grown now. Besides adding to PEI's pesticide/chemical fertilizer contaminated drinking water and air quality problems, growing sugar beets for ethanol is not economically viable and, for a change, government paid attention.

The company says it's off to Ontario to try it's fortune there.

Sharon Labchuk
Earth Action

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