Ontario beef farmers receive extension for repaying federal advance payment loans

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I might almost be tempted to go into cattle just to take advantage of what appears to be a permanent, interest-free $100,000 in working capital.

On the other hand, it might be just as wise to call this new funding option what it really is - the $100,000 interest-free, ethanol injury assistance program.

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

The truth is the money is to help offset the U.S. COOL program. Then again, rumour has it that Ritz is ramping up the COOL countervail rhetoric by adding imported U.S. corn to the list of U.S. products to be countervailed.

Ritz is a paper tiger - who is going to pay any attention to anything he says about improving trade relations with anybody, as long as he defends 200% tariff barriers on dairy and poultry products coming into Canada?


Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

With present beef prices, who in Ontario would be whining about $4.60/bu corn ?

this is for real cattlemen to get their inventories up,cattle numbers have never been lower in this province than now.

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