Ontario premier to visit Leamington

© AgMedia Inc.


1. Heinz is just one of many AG related companies leaving Ontario in the past few years. In fact, industry as a whole is leaving Ontario.

2. Now add in the fact that Liberals lost the last election because a few municipalities opposed industrial wind zones. This opposition has since grown to approx. 75 municipalities out of 90 potential wind turbine municipalities declaring themselves "Not a willing Host".
3. Just announced RMP payments will be capped out even though farmers paid approx. $10/ac. for 100% target price insurance. http://www.agricorp.com/en-ca/News/Pages/RMP-GoPreHarvestPayments-2013.aspx

also: Pre harvest price for corn = $4.37 insured target price is $5.62

I just got the info for 2013 pre-harvest RMP payment. I enrolled at 100% (before the government decided they would cap it at $100 million for everyone). Corn and soys are getting paid out and at 100% with federal funding I would receive $14562 this fall to help offset the collapse in corn prices. Good idea I thought, even at 40% provincial only funding that should still be $5825. Better than nothing right? However I am informed that my payment will actually be $1282 or only 22% of the calculated payment for which I paid 100% of the required premiums. In fact the payment is $45 more than my corn and soy premium. It appears that we are only getting our own 2013 premiums back and the government is not even accessing the $100 million fund. This is not looking like a functional Risk Management Program. Mike

The Wind Turbine companies will be circling Leamington like Vultures,no doubt with the Premiers backing.

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