Study takes aim at milk prices

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A survey commissioned by the Canadian Restaurant and Foodservices Association indicates nearly two-thirds of Canadians would support a price cut for milk and other dairy products


We were in different states and compared the price of milk, cheese etc., and found that the prices were just as high there as they are in Ontario. You have to look for the sales on at different stores to pay a good price.We won,t pay the high price and always buy when its on sale or leave it in the store.Still the price can still come down some at regular price.

Firstly, according to information published by the Dairy Farmes of Ontario (DFO) in late 2010, Ontario consumers were paying almost 38% more for milk than US consumers, and the farm gate price of milk in Ontario was within pennies of the US retail price. Therefore, Ms. Beaulieu's comments on behalf of the Dairy Farmers of Canada, can be, and should be, taken with more than just a few grains of salt.

Secondly, if my information is correct, Prof. Doyon is on the payroll of the Dairy Farmers of Canada and, therefore, his views should be treated with some considerable suspicion.

None of these supply management apologists ever conside the multiplier effect of up to a 38% drop in milk prices on consumer spending behaviour.

Stephen Thompson, Clinton

Editor's note: Dairy Farmers of Canada says it has financed two studies by Maurice Doyon over the past 10 years including a July 2011 analysis of the economic rationale for supply management. He has also done research for provincial dairy organizations.

Even though I've seen any number of "economic rationale for supply management" studies, and pretty-much every one includes a multiplier equation purporting to show the economic contribution of higher farm gate milk, egg, and poultry prices, I've never once seen a study done on the other side of the equation showing the multiplier effect on the economy resulting from the adverse effect of increased retail dairy and poultry prices.

Seemingly every study in favour of supply management multiplies the benefit of higher farm gate prices for the relatively few farmers who benefit, but never multiplies the adverse effect of higher retail prices on the 30 million Canadian consumers who are forced to pay more to buy dairy and poultry products.

Even though arithmetic would suggest the dollar value multipler benefit of supply management for farmers should equal the dollar value multiplier costs of supply management on consumers, economic principles dictate otherwise. In economics, the multipler effect of an adverse change for many consumers, is always far greater than the multipler effect of a positive change for a relatively few producers - thereby meaning that, because supply management produces consumer products, there can never be an economic rationale for supply management.

And, of course, on top of all this is the adverse multipler effect of the "drag" costs of defending supply management through such useless bodies as the Canadian Dairy Commission, the wasting of OMAFRA Tribunal time on issues which wouldn't exist if supply management disappeared, and the huge dollars spent on lobbying, advertising, one-sided reports by consultants, head offices and the staff to fill them, by and for, supply management organizations themselves.

But, then again, every ag economics grad for the past 30 years already knows this by the time he/she graduates, so none of this is, or should be, "news" to anyone.

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

They should first explore to import the milk and milk products from the USA. Increae prices are nothing but a scam and citizens should be aware and bring it to their elected member's attention. Can't believe why the Government is helpless in this matter when this problem can easily resolved.

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