First accreditation hearing set for July

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National Farmers Union will be first to try to regain its status as a general farm organization


What is going to happen if the NFU, for a second time, can't prove that it is autonomous? - ie. can the Ontario NFU prove it doesn't just funnel money to, and take orders from, the NFU "Kremlin" in Saskatoon?

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

Ontario branch and the province’s two other general farm organizations, OFA and Christian Farmers Federation of Ontario in May that their accreditations were being denied. The groups must be accredited so they can receive the $195 fee farmers HELLO OUR FARMERS CHECKS HAVE ALLREADY BEEN CASHED, OFA HAS THE MONEY

Right on! The GFO have the farmers monies because the deadline to apply is March 1.

Now we have the minister saying 5000 are not registered.

Someone is play loose with numbers again. Too bad the audit of agricorp was clipped short.

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