Green energy rate changes a ‘natural progression’ says association

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Solar energy production rates will drop less than what Ontario’s solar energy sector anticipated


"enough to power 1.2 million homes"... Well then, we should hook-up 1.2 million homes directly to wind turbines. Have these homes pay the cost of this power, and enjoy the clean air they will consume. Oh, and sorry, if the wind doesn't blow when you need to run air conditioners, or heat your home. This happens a lot. But that would be giving you information you should have when you choose to support wind energy. oops.

This new announcement will devastate the renewable energy business.

Any industry which, like the renewable energy industry, is completely dependent on government for its existence, and for whose products there is only one buyer, and for whose products there is a completely-artificial price, doesn't deserve to exist in the first place. By definition, in any industry structured this way, the economic activity created will always be less than the economic activity thwarted somewhere else. The renewable energy business is, therefore, no different than supply management, ethanol, or even horse racing - they all exist only because government subsidizes them in one way or another. Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

Yes we all knew the price structure would be less. Cost of the equipment came down about 10%. With some of the prices declining by 30% I cant see any hope of these programs continuing. When the story was written was it before the companies actually knew what was really going to happen ? It seems so after reading some of their comments. Nothing seems to work right in McDummies hand. If it takes over 10 years to recoup the costs , no one will invest.

This FIT review is too little too late. Most big projects have already been signed, sealed and delivered at the old rates for 20 years folks. We'll have to pay and pay and pay.

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