Groups oppose solar rate cut

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Online petition garners more than 1,000 signatures


I suspect that a similar petition opposed to paying even 58 cents to produce electricity that sells, on average, for a fraction of that amount, could easily, and should easily, gather five times as many names.

What is it about solar electricity that causes people to believe the normal rules of business and economics, just don't apply?

You are absolutely right! This was a stupid idea from the beginning and it should be stopped and canceled immediately. You want a green energy - pay for it from your own pocket! This is a democracy and a small number of greedy investors should not take our tax dollars just because our government yet again betrayed us!

What if.. we didnt promote solar or wind electricity at all... wouldnt the world be a better place ? Give your head a shake, and stop sucking that CO2, there needs to be incentives for green energy production.

An incentive is normally some sort of slight, and usually short-term, premium paid to encourage a certain course of action.

Paying even 58 cents for solar electricity for a 20 year period is, if my understanding is correct, at least 5 times the retail price. Paying that much above retail, and for that length of time, is absolutely NOT an incentive, it's an obscenity.

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