New regs do little to quell renewable energy debate

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Amendments to Ontario’s Renewable Energy Approvals regulations begin Jan.1, which is generally fine with the industry, but opponents see shortcomings


MOE Tech. Bulletin #6,March 1,2010,Required Setbacks for Wind Turbines, states on pg.2, " Noise receptors on land owned by a proponent of a wind industry facility or by someone who has entered into an agreement to permit all or part of the facility on their land are not considered noise receptors for the purposes of determining noise setbaks."
In plain language this means people who sign wind leases don't count and the turbines can be placed anywhere on their land, including the doorstep.

Comment modified by editors.

I would have to agree with Ted Cowan “Noise protection is something that everyone deserves.”

That very limited noise protection appeared to be offered to all residences during consultations leading up to the GEA Sept. 2009. HOWEVER, many landowners who signed leases that are now grandfathered into the GEA regs either stil don't know or are simply shocked to find out that MOE bulletin # 6 and the GEA gives them, their children and their grandchildren absolutely zero meters of health and safety protection.

Also, all residences need safety protection from ice throw upwards of approx. 250 meters and partial blade throw. Even the wind industry has said that partial blade throw has gone about 500 meters on rare occasions in Europe. Little wonder then that hydro one currently requires 500 meters setback protection to nearest turbine from their 500KV lines.

Having said that, I would suggest that the MOE bulletin # 6 (March 2010) appears to have been used to eliminate the min. 550 m GEA (Sept 2009) health and safety regulation protection for the children, grandchildren and other family members of those who signed leases. Some might even suggest this is clearly a case of health and safety discrimination.

Surely our elected members can do better than offer up zero regulation protection for the children and grandchildren of those who signed leases.

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