Ontario loses four per cent of its certified organic farmers in 2014

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Some farmers have entered the Organic sector the last few years because of premium prices.When the prices dip so too does the will to be organic.

With Giants like Walmart and Costco globally sourcing out organic produce the more the prices will fall.Consumers that believe the organic produce they are buying comes just 10 miles down the road may well be buying something from Brasil or China.

It's not a surprise to hear there are fewer Canadian organic farmers. The CBC reports that roughly 80% of all organic food sold in Canada is IMPORTED from countries like China, Mexico and Argentina. And HALF tests positive for prohibited pesticides.

So much for helping Canadian, family organic farmers.

I'm personally aware of a number of farmers who have switched certification bodies and others who have transferred certificates to the younger generation over the past couple of years.
The article provides no proof that the number of organic farms are in decline. (And by the way, organic prices remain high, especially in comparison to declining conventional grain prices.)
Good article, misleading and sensationalist headline.

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